Droning Warble-wafflings, part one.

The following is an updated, expanded version of a  post previously published within this site  in October 2015: I want to keep this material wholly seperate from my usual cartoon-related additions on here [although it is related]: I do not want the more unfortunate side of human nature to spill over into stuff as 'cool as cartooning', and so all the nasty stuff is being isolated into this single posting here.

I do not especially want to keep going over this subject again and again, so I will just keep everything within this theme confined to this single posting, and keep the other postings soley for the drawings, my time is better spent doing my drawings rather than keep going on about this: however, this is my first and only in-depth coverage of this subject, hopefully it will be the last too.

This site  on occassion does cover the downside of the cartoon biz: it is not all sweetness and light in this field, believe me.

Corruption and malpractise---as well as plain bulls***--------taints the cartoon community, just like any other walk of life, let it be said: cartoonists belch, get bad breath in the morning,  break wind, and pander to some of the worst instincts of human nature, just like everybody else, no matter HOW talented they are------there are good in bad in ALL walks of life, and that includes a noble craft like cartooning. 

A Lawyer amigo came in and took a careful  look at my following  writings, and she said this following writing I composed  should be carefully-worded enough to make public.

It did take THREE draft  re-writes though, to avoid legal repercussions.

WHY am I even bothering to write this stuff, I hear you ask?:   

-----I just like the TRUTH to get a look-in, every now and again, however unpalatable it may be. 

Some of these folks act like they are above 'lesser mortals', but I will wager these same people have very ordinary traits, like the rest of us have to put up with,  ---and  it appears they  are not above STOOPING  to dodgy practises like the example cited below,  when it suits them, this is clear.

CUT and PASTE: [2015 writings with recent additions, Feb 2018] 

.....so, WHO EXACTLY are the C.C.B.C., precisely, then [as seen in this EL-Quicko Cartoon below] ?

C.C. B. C. stands for:


--------and represents all those boring, faceless organizations out there, one of the satirical targets for many of my gags. 

Any similarities between the C.C.B.C. and a cartoon forum I got banned from in 2015 is a figment of your imagination..........to be fair, I got a lot of good help on that forum regarding color techniques---I struggled with this back in the early 2011 days---from certain decent people on there.

However I did get banned on trumped-up charges, pure fantasy and lies  from dodgy, disreputable  Moderators, who spun a lot of baloney,  claiming I accused others on the site of


----------  this is all reminiscent  of  deluded lies,  and/  or   plain paranoia: there, you have it in black-and-white, in writing.

I do not mind anyone saying my drawings or my ideas are bad---but resorting to lying tactics like this just takes the biscuit...what a dodgy outfit that was! [and likely still is, for all I know: what other individuals are they setting their skewed sights on, now?]

--------REPEAT, apparant  lies and delusions......... and indicates the depths these do-badders are capable of stooping to......an extremely dubious organization, rotten at it's very core, there is no doubt about that-----lacking in decency and respectability!!!!

I never accused ANYONE of copying my style on there, ---ever!!!!!!!!!!

 apparant LIES--------LIES-------LIES!!!!!!!! Apparant  Dodgy, Paranoid  Delusions..........totally lacking in decency, credibility and devoid of any sense of fair play.

Some artists came up with similar designs and themes not long after I drew similar stuff, though: which is very different.

This sort of thing happens all the time, it is part and parcel of cartooning.....however these folks twisted this natural part of drawing for their OWN twisted ends.

But 'copying my style"......... this deliberately manufactured untruth  is a sinister, twisted development put about by people  acting as if they are lacking in any real integrity, the sort of behaviour more normally associated with more low-grade sections of modern society.

---'Copying my style'..................I am supposed to have WRITTEN THESE WORDS on their polluted forum somewhere------?

no dice!!!! Not True!!!!!   I never SAID that, EVER, on their polluted-in-thought site,  and neither did I use. words to that effect.......

SHOW ME WHERE AND WHEN I WROTE THIS NONSENSE you have concocted from your impure thoughts, , you cads and boundahs, or just remain quiet and leave this posting on here so others can read the truth.

UPDATE, 12 April 2016:

----Here's the actual term 'COPYING MY STYLE' I have specifically been accused of using, a wholly fabricated apparant  LIE  used by CCGB Forum Moderators, which is a verbal term I VELHEMNENENTLY DENY ever using on their forum--  {IGNORE the surrounding irrelevant bilge  about different CCGB departments, this is most  likely a deliberate attempted smokescreen-  distraction placed here to try and hide the basic apparant  LIES at the core of this paragraph]  :       the following paragraph is a cut-and-paste excerpt, written by one of their Senior Mods:

Robert, the CCGB did NOT ban you You were banned from a Public Forum for claiming other members were copying your style and refusing, over a period of many months, to either justify or withdraw you claim. The CCGB website has no connection to the forum you are banned from, so please cease your rants about the club. on CCGB public forum cartoon

--------  apparant LIES, LIES, LIES, this term 'copying my style' is Manufactured nonsense by Disreputable CCGB Moderators whose minds have apparantly started to wander into paranoia-tinged territory: there is ABSOLUTELY NO example of myself using this grossly exaggerated [in this case]  term 'copying my style'  anywhere on their forum boards.

These people appear to be  either:


2] SUCCUMBING TO PARANOID DELUSIONS, believing in fantasy that exists only in their irrational-conclusive  minds




In retrospect, I am flattered these folks even acknowledge I HAVE a style of my own, it is certainly not typical of their choice of words,  going by their usual cynical bletherings.

THE LAW on this: 

OPINION IS NOT SLANDER, but deliberately writing untruths about someone IS,   so I am quite within my rights to publish this page and accuse these people of [in all liklihood, whether by designor default] apparant  LYING, this is what I have been advised is the Law on this.

there was so much intense scrutiny of everyones' writings on that forum, there is absolotely no chance of myself being so careless as to write words as blundering as 'others are copying my style' on their forum: I am 100 per cent absolutely confident of that, meaning in effect the term 'copying my style' was written by, and upheld by, Moderators corrupting the truth and spinning fantasy of a devious kind.

I CANNOT PUT THIS MORE PLAINLY:  THIS TERM 'COPYING MY STYLE' was never, ever  uttered by me, Robert Smith on their badly-run and poorly-regulated forum : it was most definitely manufactured by unscrupulous forum Moderators at the CCGB.

